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The green bicycle was built by Bicicleta Locadora Asociación de Ecologistas Verdes Chile, which is a Chilean organization founded in 2005. The company's goal is to manufacture and distribute a fully assembled, environmentally friendly bicycle that can be used for daily transportation, recreational travel, and competition. The bicycle uses a frame, front and rear hubs, rear wheel, cranks, and pedals from the Taiwanese company AM.
The bicycle is made entirely of recyclable materials and has been certified by Green Life and Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de la France (ENTP), the French government body which evaluates environmentally friendly projects. It is sold in Chile for approximately $500.
External links
Category:Environmental organizations based in Chile
Category:Organizations established in 2005The man who invented the internet has died.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, passed away on Tuesday after a short battle with cancer. He was in his early seventies.
"We knew we were losing him but were utterly unprepared for the anger, rage and just plain ac619d1d87
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